What is Attachment Coaching?

Attachment coaching is a specialized form of coaching that focuses on helping clients deepen their relationships with themselves and others. Whether the relationships are romantic, platonic, or professional, attachment coaches utilize the principles of attachment theory to guide their work. By exploring their clients' identities, sense of self-worth, and attachment styles, these coaches aim to help clients understand how these factors impact their relationships and their ability to handle conflict in a healthy manner.

Attachment coaching is grounded in clinical theory and often draws on the work of renowned psychologists such as Dr. Carl Rogers, Dr. Alfred Adler, and Dr. Carl Jung. These pioneers in psychology believed that individuals are fully capable of shaping their own lives. They often involved their clients in goal setting and life planning, approaches that are integral to modern life coaching methods.

Dr. Carl Rogers emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard, empathetic understanding, and genuineness in the therapeutic relationship. These principles are also vital in attachment coaching, where the coach provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment for clients to explore their thoughts and feelings. Dr. Alfred Adler focused on the significance of social connections and the drive for personal growth. 

Attachment coaches incorporate these ideas by helping clients improve their social relationships and fostering a sense of belonging and purpose. Dr. Carl Jung's work on the unconscious mind and the significance of personal archetypes also plays a role in attachment coaching, as clients are encouraged to explore deeper aspects of their identity and motivations.

Coaching Container Options

Container #1 ($375/mo)

  1. 2x 1:1 75 min coaching call

  2. Unlimited audio + text support during business hours via Slack

  3. Weekly email checkins + questions for reflection

Container #2 ($500/ mo)

  1. 3x 1x1 75 min coaching calls

  2. Unlimited audio + text support during business hours via Slack

  3. Weekly email check-ins + questions for reflection

  4. 1x book per month intended to support deeper exploration in between calls + book club q&a

NOTE: At the end of each coaching session, you will receive the session recording to enhance your learning, an outline of our conversation, and a list of actionable items we discussed during our call.

Container #3 ($900/mo)

  1. 5x 1x1 75 min coaching calls

  2. Unlimited audio + text support during business hours via Slack

  3. Weekly email check-ins + questions for reflection

  4. Individualized homework assignments to be completed in between coaching calls

  5. 1x book per month intended to support deeper exploration in between calls + book club q&a